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Peter Robert Kensicki


Peter Kensicki, 79, passed away Sunday, December 24th, 2023. Peter was born on October 10, 1944, in Rockford, Illinois, and was the eldest son of Henry and Jeanette Kensicki. He is survived by his loving wife, Karen, and their daughter Audry LaCrone (Kolby), and sisters Connie Roux (Donald), Kathi Balaban, Cammy Seamans (Gary), and brother Michael Kensicki, as well as numerous nieces and nephews.

Peter left Illinois and began his education and lifelong learning in the insurance business.  He graduated from University of Cincinnati in 1962 with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration.  In 1968, he earned a Master of Insurance, and 1972, a Doctor of Business Administration from Georgia State University while working for the Georgia Insurance Commissioner. He believed in education and continued his own with a Chartered Life Underwriter, Chartered Property Life Underwriter, and FLMI degrees.  He created the Accredited Advisor in Insurance Program at the Insurance Institute of America.  He also wrote and edited many books, textbooks, and publications over a 50 year career.

Pete was a lifelong member of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, an organization that supported and encouraged him as a young man in a new  world. He served as a local advisor at EKU and on the National Advisory board for many years.  

But his great passion was for teaching. His first teaching job was at Ohio University where he taught Finance.  He moved on to the Cincinnati Insurance Company where he was in charge of education and training for insurance professionals.  The Insurance Institute of America was his
next challenge, creating and editing insurance training programs. He began his return to the classroom when he joined Eastern Kentucky University in 1989 and taught Insurance and Finance in the College of Business. There he excelled. His students were his priority, not only his responsibility to educate, but to inspire them to reach goals they never thought they could achieve. With his unique brand of teaching and humor, he hoped to reach all students no matter their challenges. Another achievement was securing one of EKU’s first multimillion dollar endowed chairs, The Robert B. Morgan Chair of Insurance.

To this day this program continues to elevate and shine a light on education and excellence in the insurance business. Pete stayed connected to the business world by serving as an expert witness in insurance litigation that took place all over the country. It was his love for his profession that drove him to assist in the process of justice and fairness to all.

After retirement in 2010, Peter continued to nourish his friends and family by learning to bake breads of all kinds. He so enjoyed sharing his talent and would encourage others to learn the skills of mastering flour.  He entered the Madison County Fair each year, not to win, but to encourage others that if he could accomplish this, so could they.

Peter was a wonderful father and loving husband that believed in God and his church.  He continued to be the eternal optimist, always shining the light on someone else’s achievements.

A kind and gentle man that always looked for the good in everyone. Lessons for us all.

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