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Carolin Walz


Carolin Walz passed away on October 30th, 2023 at the age of 62.  Born and raised in Germany, she earned degrees in English, French and Journalism in Münster, Germany.  She immigrated to America in 1988, attracted to central Kentucky in particular because of her great love of horses. Once in Lexington, she pursued a PhD in English at the University of Kentucky.

Carolin started teaching part-time at EKU in 2007 in the Department of English; two years later the department hired her as a full-time Lecturer.  

As a first-year composition teacher, she was extraordinary. Though she taught thousands of Eastern students, nearly to a person they all said the same thing about her: She’s tough and demanding, but because of her I know how to write.

Steeped from a young age in classical learning and languages, her favorite subject to teach was Greek and Roman mythology. Her myth course proved so popular that the class invariably filled up within hours after registration opened.

Carolin was committed to the larger University community.  She won a campus-wide teaching award and served two separate terms on Faculty Senate.

Along with her full-time teaching duties, Carolin found time to be a farm manager and breeding consultant at DreamTime Farm in Lexington, where she trained horses for the highest levels of competition. She was also a distinguished, nationally prominent judge for the Dressage Sport Horse Breeding Program.

Finally, Carolin was an uncommonly fine colleague.  She was generous of spirit and always quick with a joke and a hug.  Though well known for telling it like it is, under her no-nonsense exterior beat the warmest, kindest of hearts.

She will be greatly missed.

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